Missing Teeth - Don't Miss Out on Life!
A smile is universal. No matter where you go, a smile is a symbol of joy, happiness, and pleasure. Unfortunately, many adults are holding...

The Pros and Cons of Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the biggest health trends today is adding apple cider vinegar to your daily diet. Many claim that it has numerous health benefits...

Think before you drink: the truth about tooth enamel
Diet soda may be helping you cut calories, but it’s actually harming your teeth. Drinking any kind of soft drink can cause enamel erosion...

Dental Tips for Diabetes Patients
Did you know 1 in 5 cases of total tooth loss is linked to diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic disease which affects your body’s ability to...

The Best Times to Brush Your Teeth
Brushing your teeth is an essential part of keeping your mouth healthy and infection free. But when is the best time to brush your teeth?...

Dental Care for Halloween
Happy Halloween from the office of Shane McDowell, DMD! We all know that even as adults, it challenging not to resist joining our kids in...

Dental Concerns for People Over 50
As we age, our bodies change in addition to the way we look. Our hair can turn gray, and we might even develop a few wrinkles with our...

10 Dental Myths Debunked
With so much information out there about dental health, it can be hard to distinguish what information is accurate. Today, our team at...

Dental Care 101 for Sparkling Teeth
Our smiles are very public. We smile at strangers, at our friends, coworkers and loved ones. For those of you dedicated to keeping our...

How To: Stop Grinding Your Teeth
Everyone learns how to handle stress in their own way. If you tense your jaw muscles in response to stress or anxiety, that’s known as...